China Huadian Corp to lead Nu River (upper Salween) hydropower plan
China Huadian Corp, Yunnan Development Investment Co., Yunnan Electricity Group's Hydropower Construction Co. and Yunnan Nu River Electricity Group today signed an agreement to form a new "Yunnan Huadian Nu River Hydropower Development Co.", which implies starting the hydropower development in Nu River.
Qin Guang-rong, Yunnan Provincial Committee's vice-secretary general-cum-Yunnan Province's vice-governor attended the signature ceremony.
The registered total asset of this newly-formed "Yunnan Huadian Nu River Hydropower Development Co." costs 200 million yuan, in which China Huadian Corp has 51% shares, Yunnan Development Investment Co. has 20% share, Yunnan Electricity Group has 19% share, and Yunnan Nu River Electricity Group has 10% share. The new company is aimed at soliciting project finance and implementation of hydropower projects on Nu River, which is a 11-dam cascade. The first one, 180,000-kW Liuku hydropower station, will be built in September this year.
Qin urged the participating companies will speed up the formation of the Nu River Hydropower Development, and the preparatory work for Liuku dam project. He also urged them to start the design work for Maji, Bijiang, Abiluo and Lushui dam projects, and at least two of them during the 11th 5-year national development plan period. So far, Kunming Hyropower Surveying and Design Institute has completed the supplementary report of pre-feasibility study for Liuku project, and is conducting feasibility study on its installed capacity.
Nu River is another important transboundary river in China. The section inside China is 2018km and the natural altitude of river is 1,116m. The mainstream of Nu River has potential (theoretical) hydropower capacity of 36.4 million kW, including over 20 million in middle and lower reaches of Nu River. It is expected that the 11 dams are completed in 20 years. The 11 dam projects include Liuku, Maji, Abiluo, Songta, Bingzhongluo, Shanda, Gongshan, Lumadeng, Fugong, Bijiang and Lushui.
Qin added that the hydropower development in Yunnan saves costs, and have high return rate.